Abiove is an entity that represents the leading companies that process, manufacture and trade soybean, soybean oil, soybean meal and biodiesel.
The main goal of the Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries (Abiove), founded on June 11, 1981, is to represent vegetable oil industries, striving to create value for them and promote their industrial processes and products: soybean, soybean oil, soybean meal and biodiesel.
Soybean is Brazil’s main oilseed and most important agricultural crop in terms of production value, supplying the domestic market with grains, edible oil and biodiesel, as well as meal used in animal feed. The Brazilian soybean complex decisively contributes to the country’s trade balance through exports, accounting for more than 50% of the soybean and almost 30% of the soybean meal traded worldwide.
The Abiove Code of Conduct reflects the relevance of its role as the representative entity of companies that manufacture soybean meal, vegetable oils and biodiesel and export the oilseed and its byproducts.

Abiove works to foster a compliant regulatory environment to support the competitiveness of the sector.
- Cooperation with government policies
- Development of sustainability programs for the soybean production chain
- Promotion of Brazilian products abroad
- Survey of statistics and studies that support sector strategies and Abiove’s member companies
Our team

André Meloni Nassar
Chief Executive OfficerCEO of Abiove since 2018, he is one of the founders of ICONE and Agroicone.
In 2015 and 2016, he served as secretary of agricultural policy in the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply and chaired the Board of Directors of Embrapa. André holds a B.Sc. in Agronomic Engineering from Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ-USP) and a master’s degree and Ph.D. from the School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting (FEA-USP).

Daniel Furlan Amaral
Director of Economics and Regulatory AffairsDaniel joined Abiove in September 2007 and has been holding the position since 2012.
He is responsible for the economic and sector analysis of the entity, focusing on the soybean and biodiesel production chains. He has also worked as an economist at ICONE in 2006 and 2007. Daniel holds a B.Sc. in Economics from the School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting of the University of São Paulo (FEA-USP) and a master’s degree and Ph.D. in Applied Economics from the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ-USP).

Bernardo Pires
Director of SustainabilityBernardo joined Abiove in 2010 and is currently responsible for the entity’s sustainability programs in the soybean chain.
He holds a B.Sc. in Forestry Engineering and master’s degrees in Ecology and Silviculture and Forest Sciences from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), and has worked at the Ministry of the Environment and at Veracel Celulose.

Dalton Cordeiro de Miranda
Director of Taxation and Legal BusinessWith vast experience in tax, civil/commercial and tax administrative litigation, Dalton has worked at the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (STF), Superior Court of Justice (STJ), Federal Regional Court (TRF-1R), JF/DF, Court of Appeals of the Federal District (TJDF), Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (CARF) and the Brazilian National Congress. For 11 years, he was a member of the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (CARF), representing the National Confederation of Commerce (CNC), working in CARF’s Third Section. Dalton is a member of the Tax Affairs Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association in the Federal District Section (OAB/DF) and member of OAB/DF Ethics Tribunal.

Carlos Muller
Government Relations ManagerCarlos is responsible for the institutional representation of Abiove’s interests before the Brazilian Legislative and Executive branches. Previously, he was Legislative Engagement Leader at BMJ Consultoria, where he worked on the political articulation of the agribusiness, sanitation and energy agendas in the National Congress. In addition, he was coordinator of the Government Relations area of a law firm, protecting the interests of professional entities in the public service. A specialist in Legislative Process, Carlos offers courses on the internal regulations of the Houses for professionals of the sector and in-company training for Government Relations teams of companies in and outside Brasília. He also gave training on the subject to judges from all over the country through the National School of Magistracy. Carlos holds a B.Sc. in Political Science from the University of Brasília and is currently pursuing a degree in Law at IDP.

Aline Lazzarotto
Sustainability CoordinatorAline is responsible for the Sector Programs of Reverse Logistics, Lifecycle Analysis and Greenhouse Gases.
She has a master’s degree in Environmental Management from the University of East Anglia, in England, and has worked in the social and environmental area of major companies such as Banco Bradesco and the Coca-Cola Institute.

Pedro Moré Garcia
Sustainability CoordinatorPedro provides support to the economic and sustainability departments. He has a degree in Production Engineering from São Judas Tadeu University and has worked as administrative assistant at the accounting firm FRVasques.

Natália Torres
Sustainability AnalystNatália works in the fields of Reverse Logistics of oil and packaging. She has completed a technical program in Administration and holds a degree in Environmental Management from the University of São Paulo (School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities – EACH-USP). She worked as an environmental educator in relevant social and environmental projects and solid waste management initiatives with the Municipal Environmental Department of São Paulo and at the Muda Group.

Alice Motta
Management AssistantAlice joined Abiove in 1995, and since then she has been supporting the management with meetings, events and trips, prioritizing activities, organizing and archiving documents and interacting with member companies, service providers and suppliers. She currently works with accounts payable and receivable as well.
CHAIRMAN: Blairo Maggi
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Paulo Sousa – Cargill
- ADM – Luciano Botelho | Jayson Lee
- AMAGGI – Gunnar Nebelung | Ricardo Tomczyk
- BUNGE – Júlio Garros | Rossano de Angelis
- CARGILL – Paulo Sousa | Ricardo Nascimbeni
- COFCO – Luiz Noto | Guilherme Achcar
- LDC – Michel Roy | Henrique Snitcoviski
- 3TENTOS – Luiz Augusto Dumoncel | Thiago Milani
Sitting members
- JBS – Alexandre Pereira da Silva
- CHS – João Baptistella
- CJ SELECTA – Guilherme Tancredi
- BINATURAL – Luciano Bacchelli
- ÓLEOS MENU – Satoshi Kitayama